----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _adr At address: grp_lft . Grip firmly with left hand, showing two or three knuckles. grp_rt . Grip firmly with fingers and thumb of right hand, palms opposing. aln_sq . Align square with feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to target line. spd_ft . Spread feet about shoulder-width, turn left toe out slightly. pos_bll . Position ball about two or three inches inside left heel. flx_kne . Flex knees, and bend over slightly from hips, keeping back straight. dst_wt . Distribute weight evenly between insides of feet. pos_hnd . Position hands slightly forward of ball, with left arm straight. pos_hd . Angle spine so right shoulder is lower than left shoulder. rlx_arm . Relax tension in forearms. _bsw During backswing: slw_swp . Slowly sweep clubhead back inside and low away from ball. tak_awy . Take away shaft, firm left arm, shoulders, and hips in one piece. wt_rt . Shift weight to inside of right foot, keeping right knee flexed. hip_cl . Coil hips until left knee points behind ball. sdr_trn . Turn shoulders fully until left shoulder moves under chin. frm_arm . Keep left arm straight but relaxed. nck_stl . Anchor swing by maintaining constant spine angle. _dsw During downswing: plt_hl . Initiate downswing by shifting weight to left and planting left heel. wt_lft . Shift weight to left heel. hip_trn . Clear left hip to the left. sdr_lft . Swing left shoulder, letting shoulders follow hips. swg_arm . Swing arms and hands freely, fully uncocking wrists at impact. tem_po . Start downswing slowly, building speed through impact. _fth During follow-through: re_lse . Swing completely through impact, extending right arm and folding left. wt_out . Let shift of weight continue fully onto outside of left heel. flw_lin . Try to keep clubhead swinging around the shoulders. fin_hi . Finish with arms folded over left shoulder, belt buckle towards target. fin_bal . Finish balanced on heel of left foot and toe of right foot. crd_bll . Get closer to ball by slightly crowding it, do not reach for ball. sty_dwn . Keep chest down, do not lift through impact area. aln_nop . Align clubface square to target line, not open. aln_ncl . Align clubface square to target line, not closed. swg_in . Swing clubhead back along inside path, not along outside path. flx_lft . Keep left knee flexed, do not spin out. swg_io . Swing clubhead along inside-to-in path, not along outside-to-in path. slw_dsw . Turn hips, chest, and shoulders at same pace, not different pace. swg_st . Swing clubhead back along straighter path, not so much inside. pos_bck . Position ball farther back, do not position ball so far forward. wt_toe . Move weight slightly towards toes, do not keep so much weight on heels. zzzzzzzzzzEnd of File Marker ovr_bll . Line up with your eyes directly over the ball. grp_rvrs . Grip putter using the reverse overlapping grip. aln_fc . Align putter clubface square to target line. aln_sq_pu . Align with feet squared to target line. pos_bll_pu. Position ball halfway between front and back feet. tak_awy_pu. Take away shaft, arms, and shoulders in one piece. frm_wrst . Keep wrists firm, do not let them break. swg_arm_pu. Swing shaft, arms, and shoulders in one piece. sq_fc . Keep putter clubface square to target line. tem_po_pu . Start stroke slowly, building speed through contact. pos_fwd . Position ball more forward, do not position ball so far back. rt_out . Place right foot square to target line, do not turn right toe out. re_lse_pu . Accelerate putter smoothly through contact area. lo_fc . Keep putter clubface square and low through contact area. slw_bsw . Slow down your entire backswing, do not swing too fast. wt_hl . Move weight slightly towards heels, do not keep so much weight on toes. grp_lft_ch. Grip firmly with last three fingers of left hand. wt_lft_ch . Move weight to inside of left foot and keep weight left. pos_hnd_ch. Position hands forward of ball. kp_lft . Keep weight on inside of left foot. sq_fc_ch . Keep clubface square to target line. tem_po_ch . Start swing slowly, building speed to hit crisply through contact. re_lse_ch . Accelerate arms through contact area. lo_fc_ch . Keep clubface square and low through contact area. spd_uphll . You must remember you are putting uphill, do not forget to hit firmer. grn_uphll . Check the grain, a firmer hit is needed hitting uphill against grain. grn_dnhll . Check the grain, a firmer hit is needed hitting downhill against grain. dew_pu . Check the amount of dew, a firmer hit is needed when dew is present. spk_mrks . Check for spike marks, a firmer hit is needed with spike marks in path. grn_agnst . Check the grain, a firmer hit is needed hitting against grain. swg_st_dsw. Swing clubhead along straighter path, not along inside-out path. swg_unck . Swing arms and hands freely, do not leave wrists partially cocked. init_arm . Swing arms and hands freely. temporary . (Solution temporarily unavailable, checklist has not yet been entered.) hnds_rt . Turn both hands a little further to the right, not turned too far left. lght_grp . Lighten grip pressure, maintaining lighter grip throughout swing. swg_free . Swing club freely around and upward with arms and hands. frm_plm . Keep right palm firmly on top of left thumb throughout swing. hnds_lft . Turn both hands a little further to the left, not turned too far right. swg_in_out. Swing clubhead along inside-to-in path, not along inside-to-out path. upr_bck . Straighten posture making back more upright, do not bend over so much. chn_hi . Hold chin up higher, do not bend neck and head downward. trn_rt . Turn right shoulder more to the right, do not rock in upward direction. hnds_frm . Keep hands firmly together, do not let them separate at top. hd_bhnd . Keep base of spine closer to target than top of spine. no_flts . (There are no faults that apply to this problem.) unknown . (A solution has not been identified for your combination of responses.) sa_aln_gd . A Backswing-Path of 7, 8, or 9 indicates good Alignment. sa_fcsq_ex. A Face-Angle that is Square is excellent. sa_fc_gd . A Face-Angle Open-or-Closed 3 degrees (or less) is good. sa_pth_ex . A Path-Angle that is Square is excellent. sa_pth_gd . A Path-Angle Outside-or-Inside 3 degrees (or less) is good. sa_tf_ex . A Target-Face-Angle that is Square is excellent. sa_tf_gd . A Target-Face-Angle Open-or-Closed 3 degrees (or less) is good. sa_cp_ex . A Contact-Point at Center-of-Ball is excellent. sa_cp_gd . A Contact-Point at Top-of-Ball or Bottom-of-Ball is good. sa_trj_gd . A Shot-Trajectory of High-Normal-or-Low indicates a good Attack-Angle. sa_fat_gd . A Frequency-Hit-Fat of Almost-Never also indicates a good Attack-Angle. sa_wt_gd1 . A Top-Weight-Left of 30%-or-less along with an Impact-Weight-Left of sa_wt_gd2 . 70%-or-more indicates a good Weight-Distribution. no_rmndrs . (There are no reminders that apply to this problem.) _alnmnt Alignment: _fc_angl Face-Angle: _pth_angl Path-Angle: _tf_angl Target-Face-Angle: _cntct_pntContact-Point: _atck_anglAngle-of-Attack: _wt_dst Weight-Distribution: hd_stl_ch . Anchor swing by keeping head in one place. shft_rt . Shift weight more to right, do not leave so much weight on left foot. shft_lft . Shift weight more to left, do not leave so much weight on right foot. wt_evn . Set up with weight even on both feet, not so much on left or right. _bsw_spd Backswing-Speed: sa_bsw_gd . A Backswing-Speed of 5, 6, or 7 is good.